Tuesday, January 24, 2012

hand to hold

Confession: I am a people watcher. As in, sometimes I stare. I have really worked on this through the years, but it is part of my DNA I think. My mom and I went to dinner together last night. As we were being walked to our table and the server kept winding through the open rooms full of empty tables, I had a gut feeling we weren't going to be put in one of those empty tables out in the open with a good view. Then it happened; he sat us in the corner. Like, the very furthest corner of the restaurant. Mom got first pick and I got two brick walls. This my friends is a people watcher's worst nightmare. Actually, it resulted in some really good conversations instead of me staring at the people around us playing the guess-what-they-are talking-about-game.

You know, where you insert words in to their mouths? Don't act like you've never played. And if you haven't, you should definitely give it a try.

On the last full day we were in Africa, there was a moment that I played the guess-what -they-are-talking-about-game.

We were visiting some of Pastor Emmy and Supermom's children on our way through town. It was the day before we would journey back to America on what would be Supermom's first trip. For a few minutes they walked away from the group. They held hands and talked.

I have absolutely no idea what they talked about. It could have been the muzungus (white people) who would not stop with the pictures (although I doubt it because I think they've gotten used to that). It could have been to decide on the plans for the evening. It could have been that they were talking about the upcoming tests their children were going to take. I have no idea.

However, in my head (you know, in the guess-what-they-are-talking-about-game), they were talking about the trip they were about to take together.

For a split second I thought about what it would have been like if Luke and I had made the journey to Africa together leaving Madelyn at home. I thought about how nervous I would have been the day before. How the touch of my husband's hand on mine and the sound of his voice speaking wisdom and care over me would have been one of the only things that would have calmed me.

In my mind, that's what happened.

Regardless of whether that's really what they talked about or if they were even talking at all, this little moment that I couldn't help but take a picture of is something that I will always remember. For me it was a visual reminder that my husband and I, no matter what the circumstances, are a team. We are in it together. We are each other's consultant, friend, encourager and hand to hold when we need to step away from the crowd for a minute.

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