Monday, June 21, 2010

MeeMaw Fee has come to town.

These two could not be a better pair. My Grandma is in town for two weeks. Madelyn is loving it and so am I.

I have more pictures to share but blogger is not being my friend tonight. In fact, blogger and I just almost broke up for good when I thought it erased all of my archived blogs. All 350 of them. It didn't erase them. The error message said they were "misplaced". I found them. Or they decided to come back and cooperate. Whatever the case, blogger and I aren't broken up, just in the "getting on each other's nerves" phase of the relationship process.

I was going through some of the videos from this weekend at the hotel and this one really made me laugh. I think I will share it so it distracts me from the bad mood that blogger almost just put me in.



  2. those two look alot alike! same little nose and smile!!!!have fun ladies...Love, Sharon

  3. Ha! Kallie used to do the same thing. I have a great picture of her while she was making that noise. Aren't kids awesome! Love you, Sara


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