Wednesday, February 16, 2011

a few things I've made lately...

I love to sew. Love, love, love it.


  1. wow!! you are mighty talented with a sewing machine!! The yellow dress is so sweet. I'd love to learn how to sew like that. The last time I tried to do very simple curtain, me and my sewing machine got into a fight. It tried to kill me by flinging the needle at me in mid-sew. No lie, it broke off and flew at my head, hit me square between the eyes. That was five years ago and I haven't gotten it out since. LOL! :)

  2. You are soooo good! I love everything!

  3. I really wish we were friends in real life so you could teach me how to make such precious clothes... or headbands.... or adorable stuffed owls! And your model is just adorable!! She looks like she was made for putting on her Mommy's cute outfits and posing for the camera.


Thank you for the comment love! :)

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