Thursday, August 2, 2012


I made three 16x20 canvasses for our entry way for $23. Simply awesome and it makes me happy every time I walk through the door.
Some days Luke gets to come home from lunch. I'm pretty sure those are MK's fav days. I'm pretty partial to them too!
Madelyn loves to water the plants and I love that her enthusiasm for watering them has been what has kept them alive.
In addition to plant watering, checking the mail is one of MK's duties that she likes the most.
Luke and one of the students from Chandler got together for dinner and to jam. Loved listening to them play together and Madelyn joined in with her guitar.
She stuck the landing! Dreaming big!
 Buying pink with my precious friend! Cannot wait for them to bring their precious girl home from Africa soon!
 The kiddos were so good while we shopped. TVs in the stores didn't hurt.
Madelyn thinks the mannequins at Old Navy are her BFFs. She introduce Kolson to them and was so proud.
Tink and I went to an estate sale next door. The sweet couple lived together in that house for 50 years. So awesome.
 Estate sale finds by MK: globe and old chalk board. Love her taste.
 My home smells amazing when I burn this candle. It does cause some confusion though...Madelyn usually thinks I am baking a cake when it's burning.
MK usually sneaks in to our bed at some point in the early morning hours. I love it.
This is the sweetest face to wake up to.
Chocolate + 100 degree heat = fun ;)
 Good thing she gets her rhythm from Daddy because if she got it from me she wouldn't have any.
We read no less than 50 books a day. Completely fine with me!
Ordered books of our insta-gram photos from! I was totally impressed and we will definitely continue to do this in the future.

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