Saturday, May 8, 2010

Gigi, Papa, Aunt Kenda & Great Granny come to town...

This morning was pretty low key. Madelyn spent some quality time in Papa's arms and playing on the floor with Gigi and Great Granny. I am surprised they were awake as early as they were considering they did not make it to the house until 3am!! Yikes! That's what I call love.

This afternoon she hung out at the house with them while Luke and I went to my brother's Graduation.
He earned his Master's Degree and we are all so proud of him! I love this pic of him with his proud girls. Emily's black eyes from her broken nose make her look like she rubbed dark eye shadow all over her face.
Mom, brother, dad. I never realized just how much my brother looks like my dad until this picture...
Once we made it back from Graduation and a quick trip to Wal-mart, we spent some time outside on the back patio while the guys grilled. Great Granny toted Madelyn around as everyone took their turn at entertaining her.
She loves when Luke rubs her feet on his beard and she normally cracks up every time. Naturally, when there is an audience that he wants to show she made a liar out of him! Ha! She would barely even chuckle.
She did get her giggles out when Gigi and Papa were acting silly trying to get her to laugh though.
Aunt Kenda got in on the fun too! Madelyn has a major thing for necklaces and earrings (really anything that is in arm's reach) and at one point I thought she was going to yank Kenda's pearls right off her neck!
If there is poison ivy around, my husband manages to get it. Last weekend he helped with a community mission project and has been scratching ever since. Ouch. Gross. Ick. I hate rashes. I hate to look at them and I hate to I feel sorry for my (highly allergic apparently) hubby. He was showing it off to everyone while we were outside.
Luke and his dad spent the evening grilling the yummiest dinner.
We had the most amazing burgers and chicken sandwiches and the best part about it is that we have lots of left overs!

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