The perfect prescription for a sick little girl?
Pajamas (8 pairs in 4 days).
Cuddles (day and night).
Pacifier (just about whenever she wanted).
Pedialyte (all she took in for three days).
Now she's just sleepy, slowly getting her appetite back and super clingy!
Having a sick child is no fun. You just want to trade places with them. Carry their burden for them so that they do not have to.
I'm amazed at how God uses my everyday experiences as mommy to little Madelyn to remind me of His word. Words that are etched on my heart but that in my flesh I forget or deny because I think that my way is better or that I can do it on my own. My understanding, though still lacking SO much, of His fatherly love, care and concern for us has grown far beyond what I could have ever imagined since she was born. Constantly over the last few days, it's as if He's been whispering to me, "I know each hurt. I want to carry each burden. Just let me, Kathryn".
After a week filled with:
- sickness for our sweet girl
- an unexpected diagnosis for a young, dear friend
- a conversation that I will never forget with a grieving 28 year old woman who has buried two children (a five month old who died from SIDS and nine month old that died from an undiagnosed neurological disorder) and is 38 weeks pregnant with her third
- friends who are struggling to make ends meet and keep their marriage alive
Also, I do not have to carry their burdens for them in ways that I was not meant to. Even when my heart is heavy for them and I have no words to pray..."Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God." Romans 8: 26-27.
I'm thankful for simple reminders of how big God is and how small I am. I don't have to do it all for Him.
I sure hope MK is feeling better! Thanks for a great reminder in your post! Love you much friend!
ReplyDeleteyour little girl is beautiful. I have a daughter who is about to be 15 months old. I found this page while googling about information on pedialyte.