Sunday, August 29, 2010


My friend Jenna and I have lots of things in common. Husbands in the ministry. Children. A passion and love for education. Cravings for yummy Chick-fil-a. And an inability to blog when our hearts our heavy. (I'm pretty sure I have mentioned all that before.)

I've been in a funk for a few days. I might be going out on a limb here (said with lots of sarcasm) that I have been throwing a pity party.

I'm ready for all of this to be resolved. For Madelyn to be well and not hurt or struggle to breath or deal with yucky reflux.

My heart has been heavy and I have been unable to blog because of it.

Then I finally loaded pictures from the last three days in to my iPhoto (I usually do this nightly) and I saw this picture of my sweet baby girl.
No pity party here. Just smiles. Light in her eyes. Joy unspeakable.
It's amazing how the Lord works. How He humbles us. How He has humbled me.

I love you Madelyn Kate! You teach me more every day.


  1. SO glad to see this post! Been praying and thinking of you guys :)

  2. I know its tough to blog when we get down, but just remember how many lives God is able to touch as we speak in truth about what is going on and not think we can only blog when things are going well. I love u and I am praying for you allllll!


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