Sunday, September 19, 2010


I was scanning through my iPhoto looking at pictures from the last week so that I could catch up on blogs and found four that were taken last Wednesday that made me laugh. In all four of them Madelyn is in to something that she shouldn't be. It's evidence that this little girl is all over the place and leaves nothing unexplored.

She pulled my purse off the bar, found my wallet and was pulling out change.
Once I took that fun away, she climbed under the table and was licking the floor (gross!).
Later, while we were at church I caught her sneaking some Starburst from the snack bar.
Right after I put the candy away that she dug out, I turned around and she was trying to stick her hands in the fans!
These pictures are definitely evidence alright. Evidence that Madelyn's days of staying in one place and out of trouble are a thing of the past!

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