Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sweet Sleep

Madelyn still sleeps in our bed at night (which we're totally OK with and love waking up to her sweet face), but we've been working on naps in her toddler bed. The naps are shorter, but considering she hasn't been napping much at all lately anyway it doesn't really matter. She looks so sweet sleeping in her own bed. So big and not the little baby that I still think of her as.
What's sweeter than a sleeping child?
I love this sweet girl!

1 comment:

  1. She is so precious! Paul still sleeps in bed with us too, and I couldn't love it more! I am sad though, that soon we need to start working on getting him to sleep in his own bed. :( The next baby will be here in 6 months so it would be nice to only have 1 wild child in the bed. Paul has never slept in a crib so I don't think he's going to like it much! How did you get her to sleep in her bed for naps? I think I'm going to try doing that first. Did you lay her in there after she was already asleep? I rock Paul to sleep for naps and bedtime, it's just so hard to lay him down without waking him up sometimes!


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