Friday, May 6, 2011

Welcome Home Soldier

Dear Madelyn Kate,
Tonight we took you to the airport to welcome home a U.S. Marine. The first time that you and I went to the airport to welcome home a soldier your Daddy was in Uganda. The soldier was only 23 years old and he had never met his sweet baby. It was a little emotional for me. We haven't been to another one since until tonight. Although we didn't know him or his story, we have every reason to be grateful that he chooses to serve our country. He spent a year overseas. Lost 25 fellow Marines during combat. Didn't get to hug his family for 12 months. He served while we enjoyed our lives with you. It was sweet to watch you cheer as he came around the corner from exiting the plane. I pray that as you grow, you remember to give thanks and show gratitude to those who serve our country.

Love you sweet pea,

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