Sunday, August 26, 2012

Joshua 1:9

Madelyn Kate,
You have been learning new verses each month in your pre school class at church. Your Daddy and I love your enthusiasm for learning God's word. It continues to amaze me how quickly you pick up the new verses and even recall the ones you've learned in the months prior.

Today you started singing (if you can call it that-I'm kidding) Joshua 1:9 while Daddy played the guitar. Listening to you sing, "God is with you wherever you go" over and over again blessed me. My prayer is that this verse is written on your heart and that you will never forget it. That someday when you go to kindergarten, are taking a test in middle school, walking across the stage in high school, in college or wherever life takes you, you will be reminded that God is with you.

I love you, sweet girl. God is always with you.



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