Tuesday, July 28, 2009

and so it begins...

If there is one thing that I should let you know as I start this journey of sorts, it is that I own roughly 20 journals. This being said, most of them contain about 15 entries tops (ok let's just be honest maybe 5 if I was really determined at the time). Once I get behind...it's history. The journal is done. A few months will go by and I will see another journal that I have to buy at Target and I reason with myself that it's "a new beginning"...the cuteness of the journal alone will spark something inside of me to be more motivated and less anal at the same time about how often my pen hits its pages. And so the cycle continues...

The funny thing is, I have always loved to write. So here it goes...my online attempt to journal our life as we journey from a couple to a family of 3.

We shall see how long this lasts...


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