Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It was the sweetest day.

I've written about 15 blog posts that are just waiting for me to finish and publish. No need for excuses or a laundry list of all that has been our life lately. I'm just going to tell myself that at some point, I'll finish them.

Until then...

The last day of November was the sweetest day. Madelyn and I played outside for hours. We sang songs, talked about how we miss MeeMaw Fee, learned about pine cones and ducks. For the first day since I've been home from Uganda, I was able to just soak in my time with her.

It took me a month to realize that I am right here in these moments, not by chance, but because this is where God has our family. This is where God has me. He has given me a heart for Africa and he has called me to be a mom to Madelyn and a wife to Luke. Not to neglect what He has placed on my heart. Not to neglect my calling.

And today, I was able to enjoy my calling.
To listen to Madelyn share about her cow. Her fav part of her plush nativity set.
To giggle with my little one whose face was covered in the strawberry Greek yogurt from breakfast.

To share with her about Advent as I have done each day since it began on Sunday.
To hold her close and be 100% present for her.

It was the sweetest day.

Goodbye, November. See you next year!

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