Friday, September 24, 2010

One already??

Happy Birthday, Maddie Kate!
Mommy and Daddy love you!!

Today Madelyn turned one year old. We had a special day (more on that later) with our special girl! This entire week I have felt like I have been on the verge of tears. Not sad tears. Just reflective tears. I am not sure I should be this emotional but I have just been so overwhelmed by God's goodness...His presence in our lives...that I have had a hard time communicating about it at all. I have about 5 blogs that I have uploaded pictures for, but just can't find the words to go with them. I'm sure I will finish them soon. For now, we are enjoying a special weekend celebrating the first year of Madelyn's life. We are thankful for the prayers that have carried us through the ups and downs, our family's constant support and our loving Creator for the gift of new life.

We are truly blessed.


  1. Happy 1st Birthday Maddie! You are a joy in so many ways. So happy you have G Grandma McAfee there to celebrate with your family.
    Love, G Aunt Sharon

  2. Awwww. I know just how you feel. God has been so good. I love the picture of Madelyn in your sidebar when she's still in the hospital--amazing to see how far she's come. Congratulations of a year of mommyhood!


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