Monday, January 16, 2012

uneventful, low key and fun

We had a crazy night last night. Here's the short version of how things went down but first you must know that the hubs and I were slipping in to bed at 9pm, a full three-four hours earlier than our normal bed time:
  • distant gunfire (according to the hubs-any gunfire I can hear is too close for me)
  • 30 minutes pass
  • after being in bed for over an hour MK starts talking
  • loud crashing sound in to house by our bedroom
  • 911 call as we are not sure what it was (was so loud it sounded like a car could have hit it)
  • hubs goes to investigate while MK and I sit in our bedroom on the phone with 911
  • finds a large limb that crashed from the top of a very tall tree on to the house
  • call 911 back to tell them not to come :)
  • MK is wide awake and begging for "2 minutes of shows!"
  • after 30 minutes of Lion King she's quiet and settled in her bed
  • two whole seconds later her monitor starts making the freakiest noise ever and wouldn't stop
  • freakiest noise continues
  • hubs goes to investigate and brings back a yet again wide awake toddler to our bed
  • we all slept off and on but I was awake for about four solid hours wondering what craziness would take place next
Moral of the story, I am never going to bed that early again!

I was determined today would be uneventful, low key and fun so I asked MK what she wanted to do after breakfast. Her response, "let's go outside and be super babies and save all the animals". I can do that.

She picked out her outfit, requested to two ponies (pony tails), agreed to wear shoes as long as they were Toms and grabbed her glasses on the way out the door. All this super baby is lacking is a cape.
Madelyn says the funniest things. I love it and wish I could remember them all, but here are some of her quotes from today.

"I'm going to wait right here until you are done taking my picture."
Obviously that didn't last long. Ha! Usually she doesn't care, but today she cared for all of 37 seconds.

"My shoe pooped off, Mom. I got it! I pooped it back on!"
"Super Baby to the wes-scue (rescue)!!"

"I love it here. I love the new house (she still calls it "new house" every time she speaks of it). I love the grass. I love the trees. I love it. I love it. I love it. Just like Punzel (Rapunzel) Mommy!"
"My glasses are awe-thum (awesome)!"

"I like it when we play hokey pokey! Want to play?"

"March two, three. March four, five. March six, seven. March. March. March!"

"I can't go on the bridge with out you Mommy! It's dangerous (her new most overused word)! Come on!"
We spent a solid four hours outside today and then she spent another few with her daddy this afternoon. The daylight is almost gone and they are sitting on the dock feeding the ducks.

It was a perfectly uneventful, low key and fun kind of day!

1 comment:

  1. Sad! That is an eventful night! Good thing the day seemed much much better! She's adorable!


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