Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Behold the Lamb of God Tour

My sweet husband and I had the blessing of going to Andrew Peterson's Behold the Lamb of God tour last week. If you haven't listened to that CD all the way through, you must. It is so powerful as it tells the true story leading up to the birth of Christ!

Seriously, the best Christmas album I've ever heard.

Aside from getting to hear that live and reflecting on all that took place leading the birth of our Savior, there were several other musicians there that had a little concert in the round before the Behold portion got started.

One of those was Andy Gullahorn. I've written about a couple of his songs before and how they really put to words some of my thoughts in ways I couldn't have. Well, his wife was with him. Her name is Jill Phillips. She said something that built on words I had heard at MOPS that morning.

In introducing her song, Show Up, she talked about how she's come to realize that she will never do anything great. Her life won't be one that will be talked about for generations and generations to come. She hasn't been called to do something huge that will bring her great fame or notoriety. But, she's been called to mother. To be a wife. Each day, the little things that fill her day are what she has been called to do. Each thing she does, she strives to do out of love.

I can't remember all the lyrics, or seem to be able to find them on the internet for some reason but here is what I remember (probably not 100% accurate!):

This growing list of needs just grows and grows
24 hours, seven days a week
Cause you think about so much and do nothing at all
Afraid what we have to give is too small
You don't have to save the world
All that superhero stuff is superficial talk
If you want to change the world
All you have to do is show up
Show up
Just show up

I know there are other verses in there, but this next part is what I have written on a little card and put in my kitchen as a reminder.

No great things have I done
Only small things, with great love

Honestly, I get so bogged down by all the needs of the world around me. I think about it all so much and sometimes it's paralyzing to the point where I do nothing at all. Some days, I may physically "be there" for my family, but my mind is somewhere else. I wonder what my days would be like if every single day I chose to really show up. To do what I've been called to do with great love.

I want to show up! They are worth it!

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