Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sweet Treats

Madelyn was still feeling yucky today so she and I stayed home from church. She was devastated at first. She drew a picture of "Mrs. Stacey's class" with all of her friends in it on the dry erase board. Eventually she moved on from her sadness and we did some fun things together.

One of those things was baking together. I still had some of the free slice and bake packages from a coupon lady that was in front of me at the grocery store, so we decorated those. I am not sure how, but I always make slice and bake cookies extra crisp. They're terrible every time!
Oh well, I guess, because Madelyn loved decorating them with sprinkles. 

We also made white chocolate covered marshmallows that we dipped in sprinkles too.

We used a lot-a lot-a lot of sprinkles and here is the proof. This guy was full before we started and it wasn't the only bottle we poured from.
See what I mean?
Totally worth it though. 

Mid spontaneous baking session Madelyn looked up at me and said, "Daddy is going to be so excited when he gets home from church". How sweet is she?

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