Wednesday, August 18, 2010

OKC roadtrip 2010

Friday afternoon Madelyn gave Luke some big hugs and lots of kisses and told him that we would see him late Sunday night. My mom rented a suburban so that she, my sister and myself could go to OKC to see family and have room to bring all of the girls. The car was awesome. The girls were fantastic travelers. Spending time with family was great and of course I have tons of pictures (that I am going to spread out in to separate posts) to show for it.
Emily slept almost immediately for a little while. I think she talked herself to sleep once I stopped answering her questions (which included: "Are we there yet?", "I am bored. What can I do?", "Can I watch a movie?" and were asked at least fifteen times each!).
I am not exaggerating when I say that I was unable to get a "car picture" of Alli where her finger wasn't in her nose. She was so funny. This time next year that will be Madelyn I am sure.
Madelyn was exhausted. She hadn't napped at all because I was trying to keep her awake so that she would sleep in the car. Talk about failure because the poor girl didn't want to miss anything. She tried her hardest to stay awake and for the most part succeeded.
This package was ridiculous. All we wanted to do was allow the chatty five year old who was bored in the back seat of the 'Burb to watch her movie in a way that the rest of us didn't have to listen to something we couldn't see. It took two adults 30 minutes to get the darn things out of the plastic fortress and both of us ended up with battle scars.
Thankfully we were able to get them out and the silence lulled Madelyn to sleep (for all of 45 minutes) and Allison was able to get back to picking her nose (apparently that's her favorite past time...I am going to introduce her to new hobbies each time I see her in hopes that she finds a new favorite).
I tried to get Allison to smile as we were crossing the Red River. It didn't work. She kept saying, "No schmile Katchin. Me no schmile." Right when I put the camera down, she told me to take a picture of her and she smiled.
From then on, I left the camera in my bag. Allison continued to get mad at Madelyn for touching her "Da-Da-Dora" blanket. Emily watched a movie on my laptop with the headphones. My mom and sister enjoyed the front seats (free from the endless "are we there yets?" and "Aunt Kathryn...". We finally made it to my aunts house in time for all three girls to be wide awake at midnight and entertain everyone.

Day two was just as exciting but will have to wait until later.

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