Monday, August 23, 2010

poor baby

I am pretty sure that my overused phrase of the day was "poor baby" today. Madelyn had a rough go of it last night with her fever and congestion so I called the doctor's office first thing this morning to try to get her in. We had a fairly early appointment and the doctor confirmed she had a right ear infection. I felt so bad for her. She was miserable. She was so worn out that she even slept through the doctor checking her out (which was probably for the better). About fifty percent of the day she looked so pitiful. She was definitely my poor baby.Thankfully she perked up for a few hours in the afternoon and even managed to play for a little while.
It was medicine for my heart to see her smile and hear her sweet little giggle.
At one point I was sitting at the table scanning through some one year pics of a cute little girl that I took on Sunday night and I looked over to see Madelyn standing up and taking a couple of steps!!! She has taken one here and there but I have never seen her stand up in the middle of the room and take three! I was so happy that I had my camera right next to me and I was able to get a picture of it!
I screamed and cheered so loud that I think I scared her! She immediately sat down and started to cry. I should have known better because she has been super sensitive to sound the last few days since she has been feeling bad.
While I was talking on the phone with Luke's mom this afternoon I put her on speakerphone for Madelyn to hear. She was grinning ear to ear when she heard Gigi's voice!
Today was Emily's first day of Kindergarten (still in disbelief) and I was so excited to see her this afternoon and hear all about it. She looked super cute and was excited about all the important Kindergarten things...lunch in the cafeteria, recess and the treasure box of course.
Hopefully Madelyn's medicine kicks in over night and she wakes up feeling better. I hate it when she is sick. I felt so helpless and just wanted to hold her all day. Get better poor baby...tomorrow you are 11 months old!!

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