Wednesday, August 4, 2010

she's a climber

Yesterday my friend Denise and her kiddos came out to the house to swim. Madelyn was napping when they arrived but was wide awake and ready to play when they were done swimming. While Denise and I were talking in the kitchen, Madelyn discovered how to climb the stairs.Can we say baby gate? Our house has two sets of stairs; one that goes up and one that goes down. We've had the ones that go down gated for a long time, but had yet to gate the ones that go upstairs. Looks like it's time!

She is actually a pretty good little climber. She made it all the way to the top...
She loved the attention that she was getting all afternoon.
Lately she has really been a ham. She and Luke make silly faces together and every time she does it, we laugh hysterically. I am not sure if this is when they were making there silly faces or if he was mocking her while she was throwing one of her fake fits (yes...she is already throwing fake tantrums...scream, scream, scream then open one eye to see our reaction...someone pray for the teenage years), but either way it's pretty funny.
Her friend of the week is definitely Buzz. They have been inseparable. Whenever Madelyn gets her toys out, Buzz is always first. Poor Violet is feeling neglected.
I love that when Luke plays his guitar, Madelyn always wants to be right in the middle of it. I have a feeling she is going to be musically inclined like her daddy.
Either that, or she will at least have a love for music. All of her favorite toys to beat on are instruments and within the last few weeks she has started to dance when music is playing.
She danced for Gigi and Great Granny on Skype. She also took a step while they were watching too!
She has been standing for a few seconds here and there without holding on but once she notices that she's let go she plops down on her bottom. I am thinking that she will be walking by her birthday?? Yikes!

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