Monday, October 4, 2010

just want to be real.

I am not perfect (big shocker...I know). I do things as a mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, child of the King that I am not proud of and would gladly cash in a "do-over" card on. I have good intentions, but don't always follow through. Sometimes I am lazy. Sometimes I am obsessive. Sometimes I choose to read blogs over reading my Bible. Today I used my shirt to wipe Madelyn's nose instead of locating a wipe. I stay up way too late. I drink too many Diet Dr. Peppers. I compare myself way too much. I struggle with too many things to list. I consider myself forgiving, yet hold on to things forever. I always dream of time alone with my sewing machine and when I finally get a few hours, I usually spend it organizing all my supplies and fabric. On days that I don't have to go anywhere, I don't take a shower until right before Luke gets home from work. Even then, I sometimes just put pajamas back on. My one year old still sleeps in our bed and I am totally OK with that. See what I mean? I am not perfect.

Tonight I went to a dinner at my MOPS mentor mom's house. It was just the girls from my table. Seven young mothers and one seasoned pro enjoying a yummy meal and good conversation. No one was trying to "outdo" or appear perfect or as if they have it all put together.

We talked about husbands, grocery shopping, our angels, bedtime routines, our need to keep an over abundance of toilet paper on hand at all times, breast feeding, sewing, hair bows, desserts, chickens and so much more.

It was real. I love my MOPS group. None of them are my closest friend or someone that knows everything about me, but it's an amazing group of women that I have the chance to be real with. Imperfect Kathryn.

Since I joined MOPS, God has used it to make me a better mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, child of the King. I am a work in progress. Imperfect at best. I am so thankful to be able to meet every other week and days in between to "do life" with such an amazing group.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE MOPS! I only got to take part in it for 1 year, and I was a table leader that year. It absolutely blessed my socks off & I am still in touch with all of those moms. Great times were shared with them!


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