Wednesday, March 24, 2010

6 months

Today Madelyn turned 6 months old and there is only one word that comes to mind: thankful.Thankful for:
the miracle of new life
your smile
experiencing motherhood
each day with you.
I am thankful.

I wrote just about the longest blog in the history of blog posts (seriously it took me nearly two hours) and somehow managed to delete it. I have started it again, but when I was proof reading and read that I had typed, "You are starting to s*it for longer periods of time", I realized it could wait until morning :)


  1. too funny! Happy Half Birthday Maddie Kate!

  2. Happy half birthday Maddie. Things are about to get twice as fun. Hang on for the roller coaster of developments. I love all ages, but age 6mo-3 years is just so much fun.


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