Thursday, August 27, 2009

mego prego

Just call me mego-prego! That's pretty much how I feel at this very moment! For the first time tonight I feel like all the sudden my belly is getting really big...the good news is...growing belly = growing baby!At our doctor's appointment today we found out that I am measuring at 34 weeks (I am just over 33 weeks right now) so the doctor was pretty excited about that! She said it's better to be measuring ahead considering we will be delivering early rather than measuring behind! Speaking of delivering early...we have a tentative delivery date. September 24th. Hopefully my niece Emily won't mind sharing her special day...

Everything else checked out great on the baby front. Her heart rate was beautiful. My contractions were the same. Bed rest it is for now...I am however really excited about a weekend with family and friends!

Oh and next week we will get to see our little babe! We are going to have an ultrasound in order to do a growth scan and some other test that I can't remember what it is called (imagine that? I can't remember anything these days). I am excited to see how big she is and see her sweet face. Hopefully we will be able to get a picture to share!

I am not sure whether some of you are news junkies like me, but I check the news the minute I wake up and just before I go to bed and about 20 times in between. It's normally all terrible. Although this one started out that way, I woke up this morning to an amazing story of a young woman who was kidnapped 18 years ago when she was just 11 found alive and reunited with her family! I have never heard of this girl before today. I didn't even know she was missing. But her story (especially since she is not much older than I am) of being found and reunited excited me in a very real and personal way! I cannot imagine the nightmare she has been through these last 18 years...but what an awesome should check it out here.

I have been thinking a lot lately about how crazy it is that Madelyn has already turned upside down to get ready for delivery...upside down for 7 weeks?? Only 4 for our sweet girl...but it would be 7 if she was going to be delivered full term!

More on that tomorrow...I am sleepy and will more than likely just begin to ramble...



  1. You are beautiful! Can't wait for Sat. Oh and I learned how to make bows the other day from your video! I made some Christmas bows for my niece.

  2. You look fabulous! So excited for you! Keep hanging in will be holding her in your arms before long! I love reading your blog.


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