I was inspired.
Next stop, Cribs Galore. It's an awesome new baby store in Tyler with a super friendly owner. Much like Storkland, but a bit more down to earth. It had the cutest bows. Frou-frou bows that I swore (even if not out loud) that I would not put on a child of mine. Big ones. Ones with lots of different kinds of ribbons and curls and rhinestones. I haven't been my crazy bow making self since the little one actually arrived (can't imagine why??).
I was inspired.
After that we headed to our go-to weekend shopping stop, Sam's. Every week (or every other week) as we walk through the doors I tell my mom what I need. "Don't let me buy anything else, OK?". How come I always come out of that place with more than what was on my list? I need to learn some tips on how to shop from a list. I did however only buy 2 things that were not on my list (and resisted the absolutely precious pink & brown outfit for Madelyn). We were busy checking out (along with the rest of Tyler) when I saw this familiar glowing face not far back in the line behind us. It was the face of a woman whose faith in her Jesus and courage has been in the forefront of my mind for some time now. In the fall of 2008, a 20 something blissfully happy newlywed of only a few months, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. I remember so vividly my sister telling my family her story. I was a blissfully happy 20 something who had just celebrated my 1 year wedding anniversary. I remember thinking, "People our age don't get breast cancer. We are too young. Newlyweds don't get breast cancer. We are too happy." Through my sister and more recently her blog, I have followed her journey of healing. Of an unwavering faith in her Jesus. In His power to sustain her in a way that only He can. I will never forget reading her blog just before Christmas. It was just a couple of months after her sweet father-in-law (that we do not know personally), who my sister works with, visited and prayed for Luke and I on our darkest day in the hospital as Luke and I sat in a private room trying to regroup (without scaring the rest of the Labor & Delivery patients) while we waited for the transfer team to arrive at ETMC for Madelyn. Just as she was at a place where she thought this battle was somewhat behind her, it came back. It came back in a big way. Again, she has exemplified Hebrews 11:1 to me. "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of things not seen." For a cancer patient, she was given the worst news. In the last week, her team of 50+ doctors have decided on a treatment plan that they think will work. Her name is Lindsey. I was blessed to see her glowing face today in the checkout line at Sam's and tell her in person how much God is using the work He is doing in she and her husband's life to challenge me. Challenge my prayer life. It has made Hebrews 4:16 which says, "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need" come alive to me. Join me in drawing near with confidence to the throne of grace on Lindsey's behalf? Pray expecting great things. Expecting the God of all things miraculous to continue to heal Lindsey. You can read her story here.
I am daily inspired. You will be too.
This afternoon, my precious husband and I went to a matinee movie (thanks to my mom, who watched Madelyn). It was the first time in just under a year that we have been to the movies together. We went to see The Blindside. It was starting at 4:30 on a Saturday afternoon over two months after being released. We were sure we would be the only people in the theater. Much to our surprise when we rounded the corner to take our seats, it was a full house. We sat on the third row (which filled up itself as the previews rolled...as did the second and a few seats on the first). I have heard from so many what a powerful story it was. I had no idea how powerful it would be. How challenging. I really don't have many words to describe it. Nor have I wrapped my mind fully around what impact this true story had on me. All I can say is that you HAVE to see it.
I was inspired.
One minute, I was just laying in bed, dreaming of this sweet girl...
I am inspired.