Monday, January 11, 2010

I have a...

confession to make.

Every morning Madelyn wakes up with a nose full of boogers.

Her reflux causes her to be constantly congested.

So this little guy and I always have our work cut out for us...Same time.

Same place.

The three of us get to work when sleeping beauty wakes.

That's not what I am confessing.

It happens to be something that I find disgusting sort of enjoyable.

And satisfying.

That's what I'm confessing.

Kind of like when I hear all the dirt being sucked up into the vacuum cleaner.

It makes me happy.

Not happy that Madelyn's congested.

But that I am able to fix it for her so her nose is clean and clearand ready to face the day.


I'm glad I got that off my chest.


  1. You are so funny!! Kolson starts screaming the instant he sees that thing!:) I will admit it is kind of satisfying when the thing actually works and you know it is making them feel better!

  2. That's so funny! I love the picture of her little nose- the perfect ending for the post!

  3. I use one every morning on JD's little nose as well as the Little Noses Saline drops. He scream and cries until it is done and they he just looks at me like, ok I'm done now, thanks.

  4. LOL!!! I am glad I am not the only one who feels satisfied when I can make my child feel better, even when it is something she hates so terribly bad! I have to lay her on the bed, practically lay my body across hers to keep her arms down just to use it, but she always feels so much better, and seems to forgive me once she can breath again.
    Thanks for sharing that! I love it.

  5. Hahahaha, I had the exact same thoughts as you!!

  6. I only tried to use that thing a couple of times before making that my husband's job. We started calling it "The Booger Monster" because Benjamin would scream like he was being tortured as soon as he saw it. We finally just gave up altogether in favor of the Boogie Wipes (not scary at all). All of this to say...I never found it enjoyable or satisfying. And I think you're all weird. Just kidding.


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