Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Who knew fat rolls could be so darn cute??

Everyone is still asleep at slumber party central. What time did I wake up you ask?? 5ish. No complaints here though. I am a morning person, and I like it that way.

Here's to hoping the two little sleeping beauties wake up happy and ready for a fun day together! I'm sure they will enjoy their swings, lay on the floor together, take lots of pictures (I've got that one under control-evidence to come tonight) and enjoy this frigid day from inside the cozy confines of our home.


  1. I always told Emma it's the only time in a girl's life when you can love your fat rolls and cellulite, but you aren't old enough to KNOW you can enjoy it! :) Glad the girls are getting some good sleep, I bet it was a fun evening with them!

  2. How adorable -- I know she's related to me now! I cannot believe the picture of her standing up.

    And already a slumber party -- that is too funny!

    Kathryn, how you could even ask whether you should get professional pics taken at 3 months -- you ARE a professional. All of your pics are darling, and if you look through enough professional photography websites, you can get ideas for anything you want to shoot. Plus, you'll get a lot better expressions than a professional would. And as your shots today demonstrate, you don't need props or fancy clothes -- that little beauty in a diaper is all you need.


  3. Thank you so much for letting my baby girl spend the night and day with you lovely ladies! You are a GREAT friend!!! Love, Lori

    P.S. The pictures are TERRIFIC! You Rock!!!!


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