Friday, January 8, 2010

I'm not alone

I get weekly updates via email from (a really neat website for all things baby). This week as I was reading about "week 15 happenings", I came across something that made me laugh out loud.

"Out of touch with your people skills, moms? Practice on some good friends.

They won't hold it against you."

So does this mean that I am not the only new mom out there that has found herself wondering what in the world to say when I end up in a crowded room full of people? I mean, I could bust out in song or a series of silly faces followed by some "goo goo goo" and "gee gee gee", but I am not sure it would be appreciated in the same way that Madelyn appreciates them.

In my defense, I have not really been around anyone consistently other than family, doctors, nurses and Madelyn, of course, in a long time. Like almost 6 months! Half a year folks. I have been to church a few times, but aside from that...well...nothin'. I was joking with Luke the other day that my social skills have suffered all but vanished.

The bright side, according to, I am not alone. Apparently there are lots (I emphasized lots to make myself feel better) of other moms whose social skills have been traded in for baby talk, nursery rhymes and silly sounds to entertain their wee tykes.

Losing my ability to carry on a conversation about anything to do with anything other than a baby was not something that ever crossed my mind when I thought about what being a mommy would be like.

Then again, I also never thought I would find myself standing in the checkout at Brookshire's wondering why my neck was itching only to find that my tag from my shirt that I had put on backwards was not only in the front, but sticking up out of my shirt for the whole world to see. The cashier was so polite, she was trying her hardest not to stare.

Nor did I imagine in my wildest dreams that I would suddenly be incapable of remembering anything...not just some things...anything at all for an extended period of time post pregnancy. Did I brush my teeth this morning? Have I paid the bills yet? What day is it? In the month of? And on and on and on and get the picture. This sea of forgetfulness that I have been swimming in most certainly did not cause me to put the "Happy Birthday Papa" on the wrong month of the personalized calendar we made for Luke's dad for Christmas. Sorry again, Papa.

Or that my husband and I would break out in to a happy dance when Madelyn pooped after having tummy issues for a few days. I knew there would be celebrations...I was just thinking more along the lines of major milestones and birthday parties...not bowel movements.

Motherhood has definitely provided me with many unexpected "gifts" (if you want to classify them in such a manner), but I honestly wouldn't change a thing.

Thank you "week 15 happenings" from can always use a good laugh...even if I am laughing at myself.

Today was super cold. Like, so cold that Luke and I had sympathy on the stray cats that hang out around our house and we let them in the garage to warm up. We have a strong dislike for cats (I know...we're terrible...but I am allergic and they rub all over me) so that just tells you how cold it was/is/will be for the next few days outside.

This afternoon my sister-in-law and one of her coworkers came out to the house to film our little family of three hanging out together for a four second slot in an advertisement for Mother Frances. I was sort of nervous because I like being on the other end of the camera, but we would do just about anything for that hospital. Not to mention, all we had to do was play with Madelyn.

Madelyn loves her Aunt Marlo.

Madelyn saying bye to Kevin, the camera man.

After they left, we enjoyed a quiet evening, just the three of us. It was great. I have always been one to love being busy. If I wasn't busy, I would make myself busy. Madelyn has taught me how to enjoy the slower pace of life. I have to say, I am loving it.


  1. LOL!! Four years (almost 5 - I know, I can't believe it either!!!) I still haven't gotten my social skills back to par - not to mention the memory skills!! Just thought I'd let you know that you are now apart of a new club!! Cool news about the ad spot - we'll be looking for ya'll!!

  2. I don't know if the social skills are quite right after having a baby. I was out to eat with my mom and Emma and we started talking to complete strangers about Emma. After they left, I told mom "so that's why God made babies so cute, it is so adults would still talk to each other and have something fun to talk about".
    Also, I had to laugh out loud when you talked about the celebration of pooping--I remember doing those dances!! :) Especially when Emma met her "goals" of peeing and pooping for the day when she was a newborn.


Thank you for the comment love! :)

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