Sunday, November 1, 2009

From the Husband

So... my name is Luke and I am husband to this amazing mother and blogger. I am hijacking her blog for the evening. If you have been following and reading about our lives, I want you to know that we have been blessed by all the thoughts and prayers for our family and our precious gift, Madelyn. I love that my wife is blogging. She is one of the most creative people I know. For a long time I had been nagging at her to start a blog because I know she is an incredible writer. Throughout high school she wrote poems that were amazing and helped write skits for the youth ministry we were involved in. So when she started reading other mommy bloggers, I told her, "You need to start a blog". I have to tell you, reading her blog is one of the big highlights of my day because I know what she writes is exactly what she is thinking and feeling (especially the things in parenthesis because I can just picture the dialogue she is having in her head and it just makes me laugh out loud... literally). This blog has been a blessing for our family. It has allowed us to process and truly think about how faithful God is. It has made scripture come alive for Psalm 126:3, which has become one of our new favorites, "The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy".

Today was one of the best days I have had in a long time. For the first time in 3 months, my wife was able to come to church and we were able to worship our Heavenly Father together. I have missed her being by my side during church. I know it took every ounce of her strength to leave our baby girl at home with the grandmas. Yep! That's right. We had double Grandma duty this morning because my mom is in town from McAllen for a quick trip to see her first grand baby and as you know we are still camped out at Kat's parent's house because of the flooding in our house. So, with both the Gma's watching our pretty little lady, Kathryn came to church! It was a special day at the church for a couple reasons:
  • We welcomed our new pastor to West Lake, which I am really excited about. I know God has some awesome things ahead for our church family.
  • I had the blessing of singing a song this morning and it was one the songs that kept us anchored in the middle of our darkest times in the hospital while Madelyn struggled to breath. It is a song by Charlie Hall called Mystery. It is a really simple song with just a few words, but for Kathryn and I it kept us grounded in the truth of God that is faithful and worthy of praise. The chorus is simple yet to my soul profoundly says, "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again." This kept me anchored in the fact that Christ has conquered sin and death. He is truly alive and that in the middle of this life, the good and bad, this song proclaims the truth that one day Christ will come again and will make all things new. My hope is in this. My Strength is in this. My prayer is that one day my sweet baby girl will come to know these deep truths. That Jesus Christ is all we need in this world.
I want to thank you for all your prayers for my pretty ladies and giving my wife a chance to use her gift of writing to share what is going on in our world. I know God has huge plans for Madelyn Kate and I know He has huge plans for you. I pray that whenever or wherever you are as you read this that you feel this amazing truth...that Christ who died is now Risen and will come again to make all things new.

If we can pray for you and your family, leave a comment or email my wife. We have seen how powerful prayer really is and how faithful God is to His children.

Thanks for letting me hijack the blog for a night. I know Kathryn is a much better writer but a guy can try, right???

For His Glory,

So, I could not let a day go by without postin
g pics of my sweet baby girl...hijacked blog or not!! I also had to share a couple of things with you:
  1. Madelyn has been showered with love by both of her Grandmas this weekend and she is excited to spend another day with Gigi tomorrow before she has to go to her meetings in Dallas on Tuesday.
  2. I have an amazing husband. If you have a few minutes, you should listen to this audio clip from church this morning as he poured out his heart about the impact of the Charlie Hall song he mentioned earlier on us while Madelyn was in the hospital. I know that it was incredibly emotional for Luke, but I am so proud of him. I wish you could hear the sweet sound of our church family as they joined in singing this simple was truly breathtaking.
    **I cannot seem to get this to work...check back!!**

  3. If you have another couple of minutes, watch this video of Charlie Hall singing the same song, "Mystery". You will be blessed by the song and what he has to say about half way through the video!



  1. You guys have been such a blessing to us all! Keep up the good work! Maddie is so cute!! Can't wait to hold her! Kathryn, you do a great job you mother blogger! LOL!!! I still can't get that out of my head!
    Love you guys!

  2. Ya'll are such wonderful people. There is nothing greater than worshiping the Lord together. I know you both cant wait to introduce Maddie into the exciting world of church families. I know that she will be so loved by everyone, she already is! Ya'll are doing an amazing job already with this little blessing, she looks absolutley perfect in every picture!

  3. Thanks for your continual encouragement and for constantly lifting my eyes to Christ as ya'll have gone through ups and downs. I love reading your blog and am anxious to see what God does through ya'll and through Maddie. She is precious!

  4. I never can figure out who is blessed more: Madelyn, her parents or us - the blog readers!! Thank you, Jesus for this beautiful family and thank you for blessing them w/ the talent to show and spread your love!! And thank you, Kathryn and Luke for taking time out of your (let's just say - BUSY) lives to share your life stories and how Great our God really is!!

  5. Still praying for Maddie- Every time I see new pictures of that little girl it makes my heart so happy! She truly is made in the image of God.. Praying for deep rest for all three of you..


Thank you for the comment love! :)

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