Madelyn Kate,
As of yesterday, you are one month old! It amazes me to think of how far you have come. From being born needing just a little help to the ventilator breathing for the little ONE MONTH OLD beauty breathing on your own that you are...
You seem to change on a daily basis. Your hair seems to be getting longer by the minute. You always want to be held. By always, I mean if we put you down at all you remind us. I think you are just making up for lost time...after all, you spent most hours of your first days in a hospital bed hooked up to machines and monitors.
You really only cry if you are put down, hungry or your reflux is bothering you. Your daddy and I hate to see you cry. We are thankful we can fix the first two...and that you have a doctor who is working hard to help your reflux.
You are a good eater!! You eat every 2 hours almost like clock work. Sometimes you want a snack in between. Since the day they started letting me feed you consistently and your IV's came out, you have continued to gain weight. At birth you weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz. and at your lowest (with the added weight of the ventilator and all of your leads and IV's) you weighed in at 5 lbs. 12 oz.! Last week, you weighed 7 lbs. 12.5 oz.!
As your reflux has progressively gotten worse so have your sleeping habits. You actually sleep a long as you are being held. I guess that means that as your reflux has gotten have your mommy and daddy's sleeping habits! We don't mind though. We love to hold you!
You seem to have proved your need for a soccer nickname (Mad Kat given to you by your Great Aunt & Uncle) as you LOVE to kick your feet. You have really strong legs that would make Pele proud. When we put you on your tummy for play time, you lift your body up with your legs. I can't wait to coach your first soccer team (if you want to play of course).
You seem to really like bath time. You rarely long as the water is warm enough. When you are nice and clean, your hair sticks straight up off of your head! Your daddy and I love to play with your soft hair!
When you do get fussy, you usually try to suck your thumb to calm yourself. If that doesn't work, I give you your paci. You have loved your paci since day one! When you get really mad, you spit your paci out and it lands a foot away!
When you are taking care of business it is SO loud! We crack up every time. Your pediatrician says you take after your daddy. Ahem...I will neither confirm or deny his observation. There is no guessing when you need a clean diaper. Diaper changes are not your favorite...but neither is sitting in poop. This creates a problem.
When you will let us put you in your bassinet to sleep, you have to be swaddled. Even when you are swaddled, you are kicking your feet like crazy!
You really love to watch us when we are talking to you! You have turned everyone around you into a baby talkers. Your daddy especially loves to talk to his baby girl.
In just one month's time, you have brought joy to many, increased the prayer lives of your family, led a stranger to a relationship with Christ, touched the hearts of all who have heard your story and captured your mommy and daddy's in a way that has forever changed us. My heart is so full when I hold you in my arms. You have taught us to celebrate each day. Today we celebrate one month of life. We love you, Maddie!*Mom