Wednesday, October 28, 2009

rough day

The smiles that I celebrated so much and melted my heart yesterday were nowhere to be found today. I feel like a broken record when I say this, but it is just so hard to see this little one hurt. I tried so many different things to soothe her. Walking, rocking, the swing, her bassinet, laying on me, just holding her close, laying on the floor together...just about anything and everything you could think of. She actually really liked laying on the floor next to me. I really enjoyed laying next to her. Then we spent time laying on the couch for a little while together...
Once she was wide awake and the happiest she had been all day, I decided we would try to take a few pictures. Bad idea.What was I thinking??

On top of the obvious discomfort she has been having, she hasn't really wanted to eat much today. I am not sure her added medicine is really helping that much,
if at all. I am supposed to call the doctor tomorrow to check in after the additional meds on Monday. I guess we will see what he says.

Right now, she is resting peacefully in my mom's arms while I am doing something that I really wanted to avoid (for the sheer fact that I want to really try out what the doctor recommends first and foremost and not do any mommy diagnosing) . Googling. Looking to see what the other mommies of the world wide web have done to comfort their little ones who have had reflux. So far I have found some really bizarre suggestions. An all spinach diet for mom. Allowing baby to be naked all day in order to relieve any pressure on the abdomen. Can you imagine the river of pee?? Not to mention the poop! YUCK! And then I have found some that seem like they might be helpful. We shall see.

I am kind of in a funk tonight.
I have found recently that I can be patient about some things. I have actually discovered that in some pretty trying situations I am more patient than I thought I would be. Waiting to bring our baby girl home, then not being able to stay because of flooding...but waiting to figure out what works for treating Madelyn's reflux has left me impatient. I desperately want her struggling to end.

I am so thankful for my sweet girl. Grateful to God that we have this little one, one that we were not supposed to be able to have. I know He has great plans for her. I am confident this too shall pass. ((I am still praying it passes sooner than later)). I know these things in my head. I am trying to convince my heart of them as I sit with her all day and all night and watch her struggle.

I have so loved getting to spend all my time with Madelyn. Even in her pain, just getting to hold her close...whisper in her ear...sing to her...all the things I always dreamed of doing, have brought me great joy.

Gosh, I sound like such a downer tonight...but this is our reality...for today at least.
Thank you for joining me
in praying tonight and tomorrow are better for Madelyn!



  1. The only thing we were ever able to find that helped our 3 refluxy babies was being upright most of the day. Even sleeping upright was best for them. A good friend of ours has a baby whose reflux is way worse than any of our kids' was & she even sleeps in something called a Tucker sling. It's basically a wedge-shaped pillow thing with a harness on it to keep baby on it all night in the right position. Good luck! Reflux is the pits!

  2. So sorry to hear it was a rough day. Wish I could be there to give you a hug (and take my turn trying everything to help Maddie feel better). I've always thought it would be easier to have whatever illness your child has rather than watching them go through it.

    Here's hoping that you're both back to smiley faces tomorrow, although I must say she is ADORABLE even in the picture of her crying. That girl is a fashionista - such cute outfits complete with shoes and hats! When she can talk, I want her to give me some fashion advice.

    Love, Nancy

  3. So sorry she had a rough day! i will keep her in my prayers, and you also. i know it must be horrible too not be able to help her! i hope to see more happy smiling pictures tomorrow. But she is pretty stinkin cute even crying!!!

  4. Sorry that you are having it rough lately. I know it just breaks your heart seeing your little one in pain with nothing to help. What seems to work for us is the baby back pack thingy, and also white noise. It seems to really calm her down so that she doesn't work the acid up. I also had to cut A LOT out of my diet: citrus, tomatos, dairy, chocolate(caffeine), and spicy foods. It is a job to figure all of it out, but hang in there! I know how it feels, and just know that it WILL get better!! Praying for you!

  5. Emma never had reflux so I don't have any suggestions, but I am praying that poor Madelyn is able to be healed soon! I can't imagine having to be mommy and not being able to soothe her--so I am praying for you too! At least you know that it will get better! We will be praying for you all!!


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